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Book Details
The Root And The Flower
Author: L.H. Myers
ISBN: 9781842125205
Binding: Paper Back
Publishing Year: 1988
Publisher: Phoenix
Number of Pages: 592
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INR 295.00
About Book
Available here in one volume, Myers' great trilogy (THE NEAR AND THE FAR, PRINCE JALI and RAJAH AMAR) is set in exotic sixteenth-century India, and records a succession of dynastic struggles during the ruinous reign of Akbar the Great Mogul. It is also a story of personal strength and weakness - as Rajah Amar balances his piety against his public responsibilities his son, Prince Jali, is led into a life of decadent materialism in his search for new experience ...First published in 1935.
About Author
L.H. Myers was born in Cambridge in 1881 into a distinguished scholarly family. He was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge, with a brief interlude in Germany. He travelled widely after his father's death and mixed in many literary circles both in England and abroad but refused to commit himself to any single movement, and wrote his major works in self-enforced artistic isolation. These include THE POOL OF VISNU, which was intended to complete the story told in the books of this trilogy. The philosophical content of his novels shows his growing idealism, but this was matched by a sense of personal despair, and in 1944 he committed suicide.
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